Friday, August 9, 2013

Chummie: Desperation Deceit – No Defense – Only Loud Barking!

As we have been pointing out for over two months and covering well over twenty blog entries, Chummie has the very unique distinction of being by far the most deceitful party in the bedwetting alarm industry.

Many details of deceit by Chummie have been meticulously explained in this blog. If Chummie was an honest and non-deceitful party, they should have explicitly explained their position with respect to each and every allegation and piece of evidence, so as to attempt a legitimate defense.

It appears that Chummie has NO legitimate defense. No explanations to explain why the allegations are not true have been forthcoming. Chummie’s reaction has been typically Chummie: Send the attack dogs to bark as loudly as they can. This is also very consistent with deceit by perversion.

Chummie made extremely false accusations against DryBuddy and its parent company Enuresis Solutions, LLC, which were refuted in depth. One false accusation in which Chummie was mis-representing itself as the FDA and threatening Enuresis Solutions was even passed over to the FDA for their investigation and action. Chummie’s response to even this was to quietly delete these blog entries, but to no avail as copies were in the FDA’s (and our) possession.

We currently doubt that Chummie will ever attempt to refute the facts against it, as they are all true facts. Chummie would look and sound just as foolish attempting to refute them as they now do with all of their falseness exposed. Chummie’s barking defense is as empty as Chummie’s value system, containing little if any of honor, ethics, morals, or credibility! But they will keep on barking as this is the substance of their present character.

Even though the only legitimate and ethical approach would be to revoke and re-constitute themselves into an ethical entity, this would take unusual courage and ethical fortitude. We can always hope that Chummie will turn over to a new and good page.


Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .

Chummie: Desperation Deceit – No Defense – Only Loud Barking!

1 comment:

  1. The evidence certainly points in favor of what you (Deceit Catcher) suggest. Chummie (Theos Medical Systems, Inc.) has only succeeded in making a lot of noise and posting very negative and abusive blogs against competitors. And just like their absurd and false FDA impersonation, they are not being intelligent by thinking that readers will think it is some competitor posting this nonsense if they include some hint of a competitor somewhere in what they say.

    For instance, it is now well known and established that Chummie is gunning for DryBuddy. Right there, because Chummie is so corrupt, I am rooting for DryBuddy. I have noticed in some of the recent garbage that Chummie has posted and which Deceit Catcher has listed on the previous blog entry:

    Thursday, August 8, 2013, Chummie: Desperation Deceit

    that Chummie has even placed Savannah, Georgia in at least one attack on Nytone. Chummie is continuously and consistently displaying its mental ineptitude if it thinks that Nytone or any other party would really think that this crazy entry is from DryBuddy because they are in Savannah, GA. Other people are not as stupid as you, Theos.

    Only Chummie (Theos) can be so consistently dumb. Don't place other persons or parties at your very low level of thoughts. You (Theos Medical) continue to make yourselves look even more foolish every time you say or write something in these matters. And no, Theos, I am not going to say "Give us a break." It may be beyond your capacity to understand what I am even saying here, but it can be amusing to read or have pointed out your absurdities that we can genuinely laugh at!

    You (Theos) may not realize that you are only having a negative impact on yourselves. You continue to make yourselves look foolish and give the world another opportunity to laugh at you. Although I doubt that you will accept my advice, I felt that I should make an effort to try and improve your behavior by pointing out that you are really sliding downhill fast.
