Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Theos Medical Systems and Chummie continue their Deceit - Their Missing Retailers.

Theos has been making outlandish claims about other "retailers" who are selling their Chummie products. Although we have pointed one out in our August 5, 2013 entry:

Chummie: Deceit by Perversion -- Best Buy  (click to go there)

more than one year later Theos still claims that Best Buy sells their product!
So we thought that we should see if Theos's claims are valid.

We contacted Bartell Drugs at their headquarters and spoke to a representative who knows about such matters. Three simple questions:
Does Bartell stock Chummie products in their stores? No.
Has Bartell sold any Chummie products? No.
Has Bartell purchased any Chummie products? No.
When we searched for Chummie on the Bartell Drugs web site, no Chummie products could be found. So much for Bartell Drugs!

We went to, as we had more than one year ago, and searched for Chummie.
The result of the search was: We did not find any matches for " Chummie "
O.K. So much for Best Buy! Again!

 We clicked on the BUY NOW button and went to . No Chummie. Could not find Chummie. is not showing Chummie. Which means that they don't carry or sell Chummie. So much for!

We clicked on the BUY NOW button and went to Unbeatable Sales. Searched for Chummie. Could not find Chummie. This certainly is an unbeatable sale for Chummie. If you are not there, you can't be beat. So much for Unbeatable Sales!

We went to everyCasa through the BUY NOW button, and guess what? No Chummie to be found on everyCasa. They don't seem to want Chummie in any casa. So much for everyCasa!

ThinkHealthe did carry Chummie. So we decided to talk to them about their "Chummie experience." 

Yes, they bought a little over 100 Chummies as they thought they were getting a really good price (based on our knowledge, Chummie had ONLY a profit margin of about 70% on this deal!). 

How well were they selling? Poorly. 

When you exhaust this stock, will you order more Chummies? No!

So much for ThinkHealthe!

So much for Chummie and their making claims that are fictitious, or not very credible. Typical Theos?!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Theos Medical Systems and Chummie Carry Deceit to their Highest Levels yet!

We came across a new blog  written by "Jeremy Akin." The "Author" could have used his real name, or the name of his company Theos Medical Systems, which we strongly believe, based on established previous behavior, is behind this bogus blog. We shall now refer to the author as Theos.

In this spurious and fake blog, Theos has attempted to imitate this blog

But in traditional Theos style and frame of mind, he is unable to do any original work other than blather nonsense. Theos makes it appear that DryBuddy is "attacking" Malem, Bedwettingstore, and other competitors of Chummie. This effort is so shallow that it does not take someone like us, dissecting Theos's skullduggery for well over a year, to see many repeated ideas, terms, wording and outright rubbish that Theos has so abundantly proliferated on the internet and wherever else he can. This includes fake criticisms on Amazon reviews and anywhere else that Theos thinks people will read and believe Theos. This is a very poor frame of mind and manner of dealing with the world in general. Attack the competition, regardless of how deceitful and fake these attacks may be. And hyper-inflate his own Chummie products, even though they are technically quite old fashioned and even obsolete. Lots of puffed up wording does not make any Chummie product technologically on the forefront of the bed wetting alarm industry. You can refer to a site we often use at

Look at the wireless alarms and the wired alarms, and do take into consideration the exorbitant price that Chummie has been deceiving people into paying for them, and it is very obvious to us that Chummie is very outclassed.

Deceit can only last so long before people get wise to it.

And we should point out that in copying substantial parts of

without any statement to that effect, this is outright plagiarism. Though knowing Theos's character by now, we very much doubt that plagiarism, falsification, and infringement have ever stopped Theos from doing whatever he thought he could get away with.
It gets even worse, as Theos has no conscience, misgivings, compunctions or punctiliousness (is our English getting to complicated for Theos?) about changing data and names as may suit him. He has very obviously done this to much of the material in this blog, substantially distorting it as he has distorted his efforts with Chummie products and his pathetic inventions with which he has been attacking competitors.

As we said, deceit can only last so long before people get wise to it.

We doubt that it is worth our while to display further scorn and derision at Theos. It is only water bouncing of a duck's back. But as the James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1916) wrote:

" When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck."   "Quack, Quack!"  A Quack in more ways than one!

Theos goes on with other fake blogs as well,   and

which are essentially copies of .

Notice that bedwettingstore is mis-spelled as bedewttingstore in the blog name. Is that a real error or intentional mis-spelling? He could have spelled Malem as Malam or something else. But this might defeat his purpose in getting a U.S. Trademark on the name Malem. We do wonder why Theos does such wacky things. Perhaps deceit and arrogance go hand-in-hand, with the perpetrator thinking that he is invincible. It is public knowledge that Theos and its owner are defendants in a lawsuit filed by Malem about this matter.

As we have often said, Theos is really coming apart at his seams. For a blog purportedly written by DryBuddy and against Malem (to name two supposed antagonists), it is very, very surprising that no mention is made of Chummie products. That's OK. You don't have to read these phony Theos blogs to learn about Theos and Chummie. Most of this blog is oriented towards them!

And another blog came to our attention simply because Chummie is frequently on it (together with Malem and many others). This blog goes back to 2012.

This is a "blog field" for bedwetting alarms on which many manufacturers have posted their alarm "advertisements" to get Google exposure. Something that should be totally ignored by everyone, including Google. And it truly is obsolete.

The first three mentioned blogs are truly amazing behavior for most reasonable, honest and rational human beings, but never put deceit as being beyond Theos. Much of this blog has focused on that.

And for Theos's information, in case he decides to change his masterpiece blog or make it disappear, we have made a copy of it. Such a masterpiece should be preserved for posterity (or any other legitimate and legal cause).

Since Theos, once again, tries to stir up friction between Enuresis Solutions (DryBuddy) and Bedwettingstore and Enuresis Associates (Malem) with his rubbish, we shall invite the Presidents (or Heads) of both firms to send a letter to

stating clearly that they have nothing to do with any of the three Theos blogs mentioned above, and refute their nature and content. We shall publish these letters on this blog when received.


To: Deceit Catcher

October 5, 2014

In your blog article titled

Theos Medical Systems "Chummie" Carry Deceit to their Highest Levels yet! 

you (Deceit Catcher) have pointed out that there are three "new" internet blogs. The author(s) of these new blogs, who currently have names of "Jeremy Akin" and "Chasity Davis" have substantially distorted the original blog

to try and deceive readers into believing their fake version of reality.

Enuresis Solutions, LLC, the manufacturer of the DryBuddy line of bedwetting and enuresis alarms and products, completely refutes the duplicity and changes as represented in these three fake blogs. Enuresis Solutions, LLC has known nothing about the creation or posting of these blogs by their authors "Jeremy Akin" and "Chasity Davis" mentioned above until they were observed on the internet, and has not participated in their efforts of distortion and misuse of the original blog .

K. P. Anklesaria, Ph.D.
Managing Member & President
Enuresis Solutions, LLC 

Note by Deceit Catcher: We verify that the above note/statement was received by a legitimate email and a legitimate email address from the President of Enuresis Solutions, LLC, and that the signature has been omitted so as to prevent possible abuse.
