Monday, November 17, 2014

Chummie now Originates in the Tax Haven of the Netherlands Antilles!!!

Chummie no longer originates in China, as it has for quite some time. For Amazon, it now originates in the Tax Haven of the Netherlands Antilles!

Wow! This is getting much worse than we anticipated and happening much faster.

Amazon appears to have stopped Theos Medical Systems from being a seller on Amazon. So, we assume, that Amazon cannot (will not) purchase anything from Theos. But Amazon has been selling a Chummie bedwetting alarm which they had earlier purchased from Theos. This item had been declared to originate in China. Now from Amazon's listing of this alarm and its Product Details published on

·  Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 2.5 x 2 inches ; 1 ounces
·  Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
·  Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
·  Origin: Netherlands Antilles
·  UPC: 854950002023
·  Item model number: TC300B

Please note the item flagged in yellow above. This item originated in China (as it still does on other sites). Suddenly, this item on Amazon is originating in the Netherlands Antilles. This is a well-known tax haven in the Caribbean, used by a variety of people and parties who can hide their identities and also avoid paying U.S. taxes. In other words, it can be, and often is, a haven for tax dodgers.

Would anyone care to guess who it may be that has registered in the Netherlands Antilles, may want to remain anonymous and may not want to pay U.S. taxes? We are surprised that Amazon seems to have looked the other way in this matter and appears to be complacent in buying Chummie products made by Theos Medical Systems from a mysterious source in a tax-dodgers' haven!

Which brings us back to our appeal to you, the customer, at the bottom of our last blog entry here just two days ago!

Amazon Removes Theos Medical Systems as a Seller on

And we shall add one more matter to our appeal to

You, the customer -- 

Are you going to ignore the abundant negative evidence about Theos Medical Systems? Ignore the evidence that was strong enough for Amazon to revoke Theos's selling privileges on, the most severe action that Amazon could take against a seller who is in strong violation of Amazon's policies and general ethics?

Are you going to buy inferior products at inflated prices from a seller who has been abundantly proved to be dishonorable and irresponsible in the fake promotion of his products, and aggressively and falsely attacking his competitors? This is NOT how business is conducted in America, using bullying and nefarious tactics and abundant false information!

Are you going to buy Chummie products sold by a mysterious seller in the Netherlands Antilles, a well know haven for tax dodgers? This seller may not be paying U.S. taxes.

We certainly hope that you, the customer, will strongly deny and turn down such spurious business, unless the seller becomes abundantly open and honest and revokes and removes both his false advertising and attacks on his competitors, and becomes a good citizen instead of attempting to be anonymous and possibly avoid U.S. taxes. This is the only honorable way to proceed with a nefarious and dishonorable party, to deny him the profit of his dishonest and misdirected activities. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Amazon Removes Theos Medical Systems as a Seller on .

We found this web site:

We are taking the liberty of copying directly from it:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Amazon is Fed Up of Theos Medical Systems and its Deceit and Fraud on Amazon and Elsewhere.
Products sold by Theos Medical Systems are no longer listed on

Amazon appears to have removed Theos Medical Systems as a seller on This is most likely because Amazon got fed up with Theos Medical Systems’ severe manipulation of Amazon Reviews and other severe ethical violations. 

Theos has been shown to severely manipulate his Chummie products favorably through the use of shills and other illegitimate means, and use similar unethical means to downgrade competitors’ products on Amazon’s Reviews. Theos has a well established reputation for being by far the most unethical bedwetting alarm seller in the United States. These transgressions have been very thoroughly documented and explained on at least two public internet sites: 

It seems that the only Chummie products that Amazon is currently offering are the few that Amazon unfortunately decided to sell, before they became adequately aware of Theos Medical Systems’ hypocrisy. One may assume that when Amazon depletes this inventory, Amazon will have nothing further to do with Theos Medical Systems or its Chummie products. 

It is sincerely hoped that Amazon will pay attention, as Theos is perfectly capable of trying to sneak back into Amazon through name changes and other fronts, all of which would result in the same and continuing troubles for Amazon and its customers.

Please note that this blog entry was on October 4, 2014, about one-and-a-half months ago. Although we were aware of this site before today, we wanted to wait and ascertain what was stated in this site before publishing it here. Today, we can verify and declare that Theos Medical Systems is no longer a seller on .
Doing a Google Search for
Amazon Theos Medical Systems
the first search results are for
"Amazon At a Glance: Theos Medical Systems"
which provides "No Results" for Theos Medical Systems or their Storefront on .

We find it re-assuring that Amazon is paying attention to the large number of violations apparently perpetrated by Theos Medical Systems and their extensive deceit, both with regards to hyping their Chummie products and also falsely and unethically attacking their competitors. This has been the underlying philosophy of Theos from the time they came into existence in approximately the summer of 2011. Based on our knowledge of Theos Medical Systems through following them since about May, 2013, we can speculate that:

1.   Theos knew that they had inferior products that were ridiculously overpriced. See sources such as which compare essentially all of the bedwetting alarms on the U.S. market in great detail and very technically. It is very obvious to us that Chummie products are completely outclassed, both technically and with respect to price. So Theos invented (and continues to emphasize) nonsensical comparisons of alarms to other alarms that are much older, and never to newer technology at a lower price. Theos had to blow its horn very loudly in the hope that the poor unassuming customer would not see that they were being taken for a ride. Theos's entire strategy appears to have hinged upon looking very successful on Amazon, where they found numerous unethical ways to manipulate their Reviews on Amazon, adding 5-stars and removing 1-star reviews, and likely manipulating where they would appear when a potential customer looked at the reviews, so that the high-stars reviews would be at the
beginning and create a strong impression.

2.   Theos attacked its competitors very strongly and unethically, inventing all sort of absurd charges and claims, Many of these are documented in this blog. Theos seems to have particularly zeroed in on DryBuddy and has numerous false and fictitious blogs and other statements about DryBuddy on the internet. We are aware that Theos likely manipulated DryBuddy's reviews on Amazon, placing numerous fake "poor" reviews for DryBuddy products so as to make them look unattractive on Amazon. It is quite obvious to us that Theos considered DryBuddy to be its greatest long-term threat, as DryBuddy was being truly innovative with its products and offering them at a very reasonable price. A major current and future threat that Theos must put down!
    Theos also attacked Malem, going so far as to get a U.S. Trademark on Malem's name for bedwetting alarms. This matter is in the Courts at present. It is not clear to us why Theos did this, except to possibly prevent Malem from selling its products in the U.S. using the Malem name which has been used for many years. Again, this appears to be deceitful and lacking ethics, and demonstrates a propensity to do what Theos thinks is best for itself with no concern for ethics or any of the better and general accepted facets of American society.

Many of these issues have been dealt with at some depth in this blog. Please read other blog entries for further information.

Which brings us to the last paragraph in our copy of the blog at the beginning:

It is sincerely hoped that Amazon will pay attention, as Theos is perfectly capable of trying to sneak back into Amazon through name changes and other fronts, all of which would result in the same and continuing troubles for Amazon and its customers.

This is already coming about. We have noticed that a new seller on Amazon, with a new name and no further identity, has started to offer certain Chummie products on Amazon. In and of itself, we have no objections to anybody offering products on Amazon, if they are acceptable to Amazon. But we do have to ask two important questions:

1.   This Chummie product being offered by the new seller continues to have associated with it all of the abundantly fake reviews that Theos had developed for this product. This has been very thoroughly examined in the blog
Unfortunately, Amazon did not remove these fake reviews. So this fake Theos gets the unearned benefit of over 120 fake reviews which are, of course, superlative. We sincerely hope that Amazon, while cleaning up Theos's dirty works on Amazon, will remove all of these reviews.

2.   You, the customer

Are you going to ignore the abundant negative evidence about Theos Medical Systems? Ignore the evidence that was strong enough for Amazon to revoke Theos's selling privileges on, the most severe action that Amazon could take against a seller who is in strong violation of Amazon's policies and general ethics?

Are you going to buy inferior products at inflated prices from a seller who has been abundantly proved to be dishonorable and irresponsible in the fake promotion of his products, and aggressively and falsely attacking his competitors? This is NOT how business is conducted in America, using bullying and nefarious tactics and abundant false information!

We certainly hope that you, the customer, will strongly deny and turn down Theos, and prevent him from benefiting from your business, unless Theos becomes abundantly open and honest and revokes and removes both his false advertising and attacks on his competitors. This is the only honorable way to proceed with a nefarious and dishonorable party, to deny him the profit of his dishonest and misdirected activities.