Monday, May 18, 2015

Chummie on Amazon - The Deceit Continues! And Continues!!! (See Update in the Blog Entry Below)

It's come to the point that we are no longer amazed that our attention is brought back to Theos Medical Systems, also calling itself Chummie after its product. We have stopped being surprised by Chummie's new breaches of ethical and moral sanity as we discover new infractions with unfailing certainty. We have stopped wondering about why Chummie is fixated with DryBuddy. This last one is very easy to understand as DryBuddy products are way ahead of Chummie in terms of technology, features, abilities and price. Perhaps Chummie figured out (correctly in our opinion) that DryBuddy's products would grind Chummie into the ground unless Chummie could infinitely (and often falsely) hype its products, and go to extraordinary abusive lengths with respect to DryBuddy. Commonly accepted ethical and legal standards in the U.S. be damned, as Chummie tries to invent poorly imagined trouble for DryBuddy.

We have also pointed out on numerous occasions that Amazon has provided the best vehicle for Chummie to both fake the "excellence" of its products, and to bad-mouth the imagined deficiencies of DryBuddy products. Let us look at the latest example of Chummie's bad conduct on Amazon. Where else could it get  away with such conduct except on Amazon, which Chummie has learned to finesse with its absurdity, and Amazon has learned to wink and tolerate Chummie's crude endeavors. So, on to the latest revelation:

In our April 24, 2015 entry titled "Moving to Fresh Pastures - A Jackal Amidst Innocent Prey! " we pointed out the incongruity of two 1-star reviews suddenly appearing on, Amazon's British site against the DryBuddyEZ, where there were no prior reviews at all after almost 2 months on being placed on the U.K. Amazon site by a U.K. seller.

These reviews are reproduced below, directly copied from the Amazon U.K. site:

Personal Profile

Content by Jason Dederich
Top Reviewer Ranking: 2,599,634
Helpful Votes: 0
Learn more about Your Profile.
Reviews Written by
Jason Dederich


Offered by Dri-Nites
Price: £28.49

1.0 out of 5 stars Not as expected, 20 April 2015
Did not go off when he was wet. Tested the product and found it was defective right out of the box.

Personal Profile

Content by Yorba Linda
Top Reviewer Ranking: 1,230,123
Helpful Votes: 1
Learn more about Your Profile.
Reviews Written by
Yorba Linda


Offered by Dri-Nites
Price: £28.49

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Not recommended, 20 April 2015
My son was able to put it off at night when it went off. Also, the alarm is not loud. Not recommended.

From each of the above two reviewers, there is only this one review on which is reproduced above in its entirety.

We do want to point out that Yorba Linda is a name used by Chummie and/or his touts to abuse DryBuddy in the past. When one uses many false names, one may forget some of the names used in the past. And today, on May 18th, we see a new un-verified review for the Chummie Elite:

Mrs. Yorba Smith


Mrs. Yorba Smith's Activity: All
5 out of 5 stars Must have accessory May 18, 2015
Good alarm and is very loud. My son is a deep-sleeper. The first few nights it did not wake him up at all.
May 18, 2015
Soft and comfortable. I always prefer Charmin over Cottonelle. Make sure to get the Ultra Strong. These were for my 5 year old who just loves to keep rolling the paper. Its good to have always.
5 out of 5 stars It's No Accident review
May 18, 2015
Get this book. It is what every parent with a bedwetting child needs to read. It sets realistic expectations and prepares both mother and child for overcoming bedwetting.

Yorba Smith after Yorba Linda? Does anyone really believe this? Come on, Chummie! Extreme desperation? Amazon, are you awake?

As for Jason Dederich, we noticed the following, reproduced from :

Jason Dederich
Reviewer ranking: #5,832,685
50% helpful
votes received on reviews
(1 of 2)


Jason Dederich's Activity: All

5 out of 5 stars Must have accessory
May 11, 2015
This is more convenient than using the clip that comes with the alarm.More comfortable and convenient.
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
May 11, 2015
My son loves this potty. It works well and is super easy to clean and setup.

0 of 1 people found this review helpful

5 out of 5 stars Awesome

May 11, 2015
Have purchased another Chummie product which worked well. This alarm is loud and small. Delivered results fast.

This is beyond amazing, that "Jason Dederich" gives three 5-stars reviews to Chummie on the U.S. Amazon site (with no other reviews or Verified Purchases) 22 days after giving a 1-star review to DryBuddyEZ on the U.K. Amazon site? Yes, U.K. and then U.S. Extreme coincidence? Outright fraud? Are you awake yet, Amazon?

On May 20th, the above 3 reviews in by Yorba Smith and Jason Dederich were removed by the party that placed them. That's O.K. as we have them copied. Also, the "remover" cannot remove the fact that 
Reviews Written by
Mrs. Yorba Smith RSS Feed

Reviews Written by
Jason Dederich RSS Feed

show up on if the reader clicks on  the Reviews (3) links for these fake reviewers above. The "remover" cannot remove these from as easily as he can remove his fake "reviews." This gets slimier and sleazier by the day as we keep catching the "Great Deceiver" in his constant efforts to try and deceive Amazon Reviews readers.
Amazon, are you still asleep?!  Or just hypnotized by the "Great Deceiver?"

On (Amazon's U.K. site) the name Yorba Linda has been changed to Yorba Smith, matching the Amazon U.S. name which was also used to blatantly abuse Amazon's review system in favor of Chummie Elite and then removed after we pointed it out in this blog. It remains, together with its false review, on the U.K. site to fraudulently bad-mouth the DryBuddyEZ on the U.K. site. Jason Dederich's fake review also remains on the U.K. site. Chummie and its minions continue their violations of Amazon's code of ethics! Absolutely shameless!

There are more of these incredulous reviews for Chummie products on and against DryBuddy. Chummie has noticed how the DryBuddyFLEX on Amazon has been steadily improving, and decided to attack it. So we suddenly see two 1-star reviews from Verified Purchasers, 3 days apart, when in almost a year on Amazon this item has not received another 1-star review. Furthermore, both of these 1-star reviewers are new to Amazon and Amazon Reviews, having vented themselves very briefly and in a goofy manner, on this one item only. At least we can give thanks that this rubbish is short! And these reviews harp on the same lame themes that Chummie has re-iterated in the past. Chummie knows how to exploit Amazon's incredibly weak review system. He knows that he can purchase a product, give a Verified review, and then return it to Amazon and get his money back. And the verified review stands! It is not removed or made non-verified after the return. We know that too. So we checked with DryBuddy whether they had received any customer inquiries along the lines of these two 1-star complaints since mid-April, 2015. "No." O.K. Exactly what we expected.

Have these and other weaknesses in Amazon's review policies been pointed out to Amazon? Yes. Amazon's response is generally along the lines of (in our words) "We'll think about it" and "We want our reviews to be very user friendly." Never mind that these policies also make Amazon's reviews prone to being abused and therefore quite unreliable. Chummie's self-promoting product reviews and abuses of competitors are excellent examples of review system abuse. Amazon has smacked Chummie for review fraud, but it was a token smack, with Chummie suffering no real effects of having abused Amazon's review system. Amazon pretty-much continues to do business-as-usual with Chummie, and is oblivious (intentionally?) of all of the trouble that Chummie is in and headed further into.

Much more on Chummie's real legal troubles later.