Saturday, May 2, 2015

Chummie: Hypocrisy on Amazon, Reality on eBay.

We have said much of the multitudinous fake reviews posted on Amazon by Theos Medical Systems, the manufacturer and seller of Chummie bedwetting alarms. We believe that Theos/Chummie have posted a very large number of false reviews in favor of their Chummie alarms to boost their Amazon ratings. Amazon has acknowledged this. Unfortunately for Theos/Chummie's competitors, we also believe that Theos/Chummie have posted false reviews against such competitors, to make their products look poor based on these fictitious reviews. And Amazon had accepted and swallowed Theos/Chummie machinations and wooing, and established a very chummy relationship with Chummie. It was only in September, 2014 that Amazon was forced to accept that their chum really was not as "clean" as they were led (misled?) into believing, and officially banished Theos as a seller on . However, Amazon maintained their Chummie relationship, providing a variety of special incentives and assistance to Chummie on, even though Chummie's sales declined substantially, and seem to continue to decline. In other words, although Theos was officially smacked, Amazon continued its romance with Theos and Chummie. Perhaps Amazon believes in Chummie's romance and cannot distance themselves from a mistake that they were badly guided into. We certainly acknowledge that there are many marriages which do not end in divorce or separation, even though one of the parties, and sometimes both, may have unethical behavior as part of their mind-set and value system. Tolerance, with a wink and a nod by one party to the other offending party, can leaves observers of such relationships amazed that such nefarious affairs continue.

We have pointed out how unsuccessful Chummie has been on eBay, where Theos/Chummie cannot buy or place false reviews to mislead eBay customers. These can be read in detail in prior blogs on this site for both the Chummie Elite and the Chummie Premium. We also have suspicions about some obviously fake reviews showing up on Amazon sites outside the U.S., both touting Chummie and bad-mouthing competitors that Chummie fears. This bad-mouthing is the typical false nonsense that Theos/Chummie has invented about competitive products in the past and used on, "ideas" that are ludicrously absurd but which Theos/Chummie keep on pushing as they don't have legitimate grievances against such products except for the fact that they are successfully taking market share from Chummie. We have also abundantly demonstrated that because Theos/Chummie have a well established history of getting false reviews placed on Amazon, we will only consider reviews from Amazon Verified Purchasers who have actually spent their own money to buy their product. Although this does not preclude fake reviews, it helps make it a much more expensive process. Theos/Chummie buying his own products, directly or indirectly, does raise his costs significantly. Do enough of it and Amazon, who has a "special" relationship with Theos/Chummie,  may give him a special award for "most prodigious purchaser." Desperation can lead to desperate acts. Till further facts are exposed, let us live with this premise of only considering Amazon Verified Purchasers as mentioned earlier.

In order to make Chummie's actual performance on Amazon and eBay easier for the reader to follow, we are now abstracting from the consolidated summaries for both the Chummie Elite and Premium in the following table, details of which can be found at

To get a true and thorough comparison of Chummie Alarms versus their competition, visit 
and compare all the detailed features and prices for both
Wired Alarms   and   Wireless Alarms .
You can then knowledgeably decide what, if anything, is "Premium" about the Chummie Premium and what is "Elite" about the Chummie Elite!

Why are the Chummie "Elite" and "Premium" performing so very poorly on eBay? We can only attribute this to Theos/Chummie not having reviews to manipulate (as they have abundantly done on Amazon). Consequently, buyers look at the facts for these alarms, and conclude that they are not "Elite" or command any "Premium" for their features or price!

We shall stop updating the Chummie Elite and Premium performances on prior blog entries.

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