Friday, June 28, 2013

Chummie: Very Strong Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.

Chummie          (June 28, 2013)

Chummie, with its website and other advertising, is the fountainhead of deceit in the bed wetting alarm industry. We have suggested earlier that Chummie will provide numerous displays of deceit. We continue with another page on Chummie’s web site.

On the page with the above URL, where Chummie describes “The Perfect Sleep Solution for Children,” we shall skip the more obvious exaggerations that we have mentioned from other pages of Chummie's promotional largesse. But we do feel the need to hammer away at some statements that are blatantly false (call them lies, if you wish), that Chummie keeps bombarding their readers with. They are not content with making their exaggerated or false statements once. They feel that they must keep on repeating it, on various pages. "Brain washing?" Being critics of deceit in bed wetting alarm industry advertising, we wonder why Chummie feels so inadequate about themselves and their product(s) that they cannot simply state the correct facts. Will their site become much smaller and their claims become much less unless they continue their bombast?

*         “Compete cure – No additional purchases necessary.” 
Again ignoring the typo, Chummie’s sensor decays and you have to buy replacements. Look at various complaints on Amazon about this. Plus, you must keep buying tape because of the manner in which the sensor has to be taped to the briefs.

Skipping to the bottom, Chummie states:
“Additional Benefits – Wer’e not yet done… There is more”
O.K. We’ll ignore the typo. And yes, there are a lot more shovelfuls of ---.

*         “Discreet – Compact so no one will know you are using it."
If it were invisible, this would be true. Chummie may not realize that their alarm is about the same size as many others. And being worn on the shirt makes it just as visible as other alarms. The only alarms which another person may not see are the wireless alarms where the sensor also serves as a transmitter.

*         “Complete – No add-ons or expensive subscriptions needed."
At about $20 for a sensor and $5 for each package of tape, the extra costs can add up quickly. And that is after you have spent about $99 for the initial purchase of the Chummie!

*         “Durable – Built to last several years under normal conditions.”
This may be true of the alarm box, as it is for almost all alarm boxes. Chummie’s sensor is probably much more prone to decay and having to be replaced than most other sensors.

*         “Reliable – Detects and responds to a drop of urine every time.”
Assuming that the sensor is extremely reliable (and it may not be), the drop of urine not only has to get to the sensor, which could involve traveling through briefs depending on where this drop falls, but there must be enough or it must fall perfectly and precisely on specific parts of the sensor, else the sensor will not sense it. So consider Chummie’s claim with a grain of salt (or a shovelful, based on their repetitive exaggerations and your tolerance of it).

*         “Innovative – Most modern technology in any enuresis alarm.”
Evidence? How was this determined? Etc. A gross exaggeration.

*         “Success – Over 100,000  happy families successfully used Chummie."
To copy from a previous blog entry: “ Proof? When Chummie first started selling their product (in 2011?) right up front they claimed that they had sold over 100,000 units! Wow! Two years later they only have over 100,000 satisfied families? Does that suggest that many of the original 100,000 buyers were probably dissatisfied with their imaginary Chummies? Or is all of this just more Chummie hype?

*         “Leader – Manufactured by a global incontinence leader."
We are assuming that Chummie is talking about itself. If so, this is false as the Chummie alarm is an off-the-shelf item purchased from a Chinese manufacturer, with very minor changes by Chummie (such as adding a “smile”). Regardless, be assured that there are much more established and well-recognized bedwetting alarm manufacturers than Chummie (or its Chinese contract manufacturer). The only thing that Chummie is undeniably a leader in is exaggerations and false or unsubstantiated claims. This is nothing to be proud of!

*         “Support – Award winning support, always there to help you."
Again, a gross exaggeration and possibly false statement. We noticed a response in our last blog entry about Chummie, where a reader was unable to get any response when he called Chummie a few days ago. Take it for granted that there would be many other complaints of non-availability or inadequate support from Chummie.

We think that the promotional phrase at the bottom of this page should more accurately read:
“Chummie – The Most Advanced Exaggerator and Falsifier of Claims for a Bedwetting Alarm.”

And do remember that Chummie has many other pages of extreme hype on their web site! So expect more exposures! 

We would urge the reader to go to a detailed comparative site such as  and compare this alarm’s properties, price and possible credibility with those of other wired bedwetting alarms.


Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .

Very Strong Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DryEasy: Strong Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.

DryEasy   (June 26, 2013)

We started by looking at the DryEasy web site. One of the things we look for first are how easy it is to contact the manufacturer (web site owner). We could not find the name of the company that is making/selling the DryEasy alarm. Although the site is copyrighted 2013, this is the normal default copyright for any web site and uses the site’s name. Nor could we find a telephone number by which to contact the manufacturer. There was an address (without a name) and an email address. Not only does this make it more difficult to contact the manufacturer, but it leaves us wondering if the mysterious manufacturer is so concerned about their privacy and/or product, that they are concealing their name and also not providing ease of contact. Providing a no-name mailing address and an email address does allow the manufacturer to ignore correspondence that they do not wish to address. And, of course, can result in possible delays.This waves red warning flags in our mind about this product and manufacturer. Strong deceit by concealment.

The manufacturer suggests “As the user has to wear the alarm during sleep time, both the size and the weight of the alarm unit are the factors that should also be taken into account.” We could not find any information about the size of the DryEasy on this web site. It looks very large in the picture on the web site. Even which we look at for data that may be missing states that the size is “Not Provided.” In our minds, this is another red flag and deceit by concealment.

Several other claims on the web site include:
·         “All necessary features”. What and which features? This is like saying that this alarm is the “best.”
·         “With the use of instant clip, the setup has become very much easier and safer.” No information is provided about this instant clip.
·         “Selectable sensitivity.” What? How? Nothing is mentioned on the site.
·         “Extra loud sound.” How loud? It would be nice to provide this in dB for what the user would hear with the alarm in its normal location during use.
Deceit by perversion and concealment.

Money back guarantee: Giving you 100% confidence and satisfaction by offering you a 30-day money back guarantee (see details).” And in the details: “To give our customers 100% confidence and satisfaction for use of our products, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee.  You can return us any unsatisfactory products that you purchased from us in the condition set out below within 30 days from the date of your purchase.” And then, the big bombshell: “The returned item must be in new, resalable condition and include all original packaging.” (the bold emphasis is ours). So to use the money back guarantee, you cannot have used the product! Don’t you dare use it to determine if the product is unsatisfactory! You will not be allowed to return it! This is like some sort of con game or scam that the unknown manufacturer is playing with unsuspecting customers. Why all of the false emphasis on the 100% money back guarantee, etc.? Why not simply state that the buyer can return the product within 30 days if the product has not been opened or used and is in new resalable condition? Strong deceit by perversion.

At this point, we are so “turned off” by this unknown DryEasy manufacturer and their web site, that we are not bothering to read any further and would advise caution to any reader. We again refer you to to examine and compare DryEasy with other bed wetting alarms.

Strong Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Chummie: Very Strong Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.

Chummie                                          (June 20, 2013)

As we said earlier, our exposure to Chummie and its web site strongly indicates that Chummie will provide many examples of deceit. We are now going to look at Chummie’s main (home) page and examine it for deceit. As Chummie has made this page point in many and confusing directions, many of which may provide additional examples of deceit, we shall limit our examination of this home page to what is presented directly on this page (with sliders as well) and not take links to other pages.

        Chummie for Children – Stop Bedwetting in Weeks
Such a definitive statement! “In weeks” suggests a few weeks to many readers. In reality it could be one week, or ten weeks, or one hundred weeks, or never. Perhaps Chummie could offer a guarranty: "If using Chummie for four weeks has not stopped the bedwetting problem within the four weeks, Chummie will refund to you, without argument, two times what you paid to purchase your Chummie!" Now that would get Chummie lots of customers, with no deceit required at all! Deceit by perversion.

        Perfect for deep sleepers.
How and why? Is it extremely loud (at least 100dB heard at the ear) or vibrates as much as a bed shaker? If not, (and it is not) this is deceit by perversion.

        Over 100,000 satisfied families.
Proof? When Chummie first started selling their product (in 2011?) right up front they claimed that they had sold over 100,000 units! Wow! Two years later they only have over 100,000 satisfied families? Does that suggest that many of the original 100,000 buyers were probably dissatisfied with their imaginary Chummies? Or is all of this just more Chummie hype? Deceit by misleading and concealment.

        Chummie for Adults – “Unparalleled comfort and efficiveness.” Ignoring the misspelling (a human trait), unparalleled compared to what? Where is the evidence? Who is the unbiased authority that tested and collected this evidence. How were these tests conducted? Etc. And sometimes parallel is good. Unparalleled can also go in the wrong direction. Deceit by misleading and concealment.

        Impressive Results - Clinically Proven Technology
Impressive Results? What Results? For Whom? Where is the evidence, tests, etc. This can be repeated ad verbatim for many of Chummie's exalted claims . If the "clinically proven technology" applies to bedwetting alarms in general, this may be true. But Chummie misrepresents matters enough to make it sound like this is specifically for Chummie!
Deceit by perversion.

        Zero side effects.
Chummie should elaborate on what effects are being referring to. If a child and/or parent is disappointed with the working or results of the Chummie, is Chummie claiming that their unhappiness and frustration is a zero side effect? Deceit by perversion.

        Save Money - Average Savings of $500/year
Some of these savings are relevant. But they are not particular to Chummie. In fact, compare Chummie to some other bedwetting alarms
(look at ).  Although there are some bedwetting alarms where you truly have "Nothing extra to buy" other than batteries, Chummie also has a particularly degradable sensor which falls apart in a few months. Look at reviews on places like Amazon to see such complaints. Plus you have to keep buying tape in order to attach this degradable sensor to your non-degradable briefs. These extra sensors and tape certainly contribute to Chummie's bottom line and can be a pain to the customer's wallet. So much for their claim that there is "Nothing extra to buy again ... EVER." This claim is blatantly false. Phooey! Deceit by perversion.

        Experience Chummie - Better Technology for Faster Treatment.
Better Technology? Faster Treatment? What? How? Patent? The fact that Chummie wrote down some aspects of its alarm (which some competitors did not) and was awarded a patent, is not necessarily "better." It does indicate that no other party stated the combination of product properties as Chummie did, or before Chummie did, so Chummie was awarded a patent. This does not mean that Chummie is "better" or "faster." Deceit by perversion.

        Comfortable and easy to use system.
A great exaggeration. Attaching Chummie's sensor to briefs with tape, and keeping its sensor wire connector from getting disconnected from the alarm box by taping it, are indicative of poor design and lack of concern for the patient's comfort. You can read enough gripes on Amazon. Deceit by perversion and concealment.

*          Superior Quality - Better Technology for Faster Treatment.
The second part has been addressed a little earlier. Superior Quality? Only in Chummie's mind and hype. Superior to what? How? Evidence? etc. Again, deceit by perversion.

*          And only 13 symbols representing whatever to the right? Many of these are made up (invented?) by Chummie. Having said "RoHS Certified" the lead, mercury, cadmium and "green" made-up symbols are totally redundant as RoHS includes those properties. But that would be four less symbols with which to impress some foolish reader. Chummie’s apparent basic philosophy seems to be - throw whatever you can at the reader and something might hit him/her! Deceit by perversion.

*          Cost Savings:
As mentioned earlier, some of these apply to all bedwetting alarms, and not just Chummie. But unlike all other bedwetting alarms, Chummie does keep you buying supplies from them. This has been described earlier. Deceit by perversion.

        Award Winning:
Again, by whom, what, how, etc. This is a continuing mantra for Chummie's empty and unsupported claims. Deceit by perversion.

At this point, exhaustion overcomes us, even though we are only half-way down the home page. Obviously it did not overcome Chummie's creative writers as they could continue to display their ingenuity in attempting to overcome the reader's thought processes and make him/her into a zombie buyer unable to think or rationalize further. As reasonable and ethical persons, it is absolutely astounding to us that Chummie can be so dedicated to deceit on the information and claims that Chummie makes on its web site. Chummie’s motto and axiom appear to be:
“If you can fool some of the people sometimes, you should be able to fool all of the people at all times!”
Obviously, we do not appreciate Chummie’s strong inclination towards deceit. We sincerely hope that Chummie will promptly and rapidly move away from such misguided marketing methods and towards much more honest and ethical approaches.

Based on the above, we would strongly recommend that any person who reads Chummie's promotional efforts should keep on repeating to themselves:  
"I must remember that I am reading an exercise in intentional exaggeration and deceptive claims!"

A detailed comparison of Chummie to many other bedwetting alarms can be found at .

Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .


Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .

Very Strong Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Chummie: Deceit by Perversion.

Chummie        (June 7,2013)

Chummie has such an overabundance of deception by perversion (hype, exaggerations, and misapplication of facts) and deception by concealment (not providing relevant facts) that they may provide many entries for this blog.

"FDA Registered Chummie Bedwetting Alarm is the Safest Bedwetting Alarm in the World."

The FDA never says anything like this. This is stated to possibly mislead readers and would be a perversion of facts by Chummie.

"Chummie is an incontinence alarm which can help you sleep dry at night … every night!"

As an enuresis alarm, we hope that the above statement will be true. The FDA in no way certifies or agrees with such a claim.

"Chummie FDA Details:
            Device Classification – Conditioned response enuresis alarms
            FDA Section Number - 876.2040
            PART 876 – Gastroenterology-urology device
            Medical device classification – Class II "

These are standard FDA classifications for an FDA registered enuresis alarm. It is not unique or special for Chummie, and applies to every bedwetting alarm whose facility is registered with the FDA. Theos Medical Systems, the owner of Chummie, fills out a simple FDA form every year, lists Chummie on it, and pays a registration fee to the FDA. That’s it. The FDA in no way tests or certifies or even looks at Chummie for it to be registered with the FDA. This is a Facility registration, and all enuresis alarms sold in the U.S. from U.S. sales locations must have their facilities registered with the FDA. Again, lots of hype.

"CE certified safety."

CE is a test for the European Union, and is rarely used unless electric voltages are high enough to cause possible injury (say 120V or 240V AC). It also includes the EU equivalent of the U.S. FCC radio frequency test. Such a certification, the U.S. equivalents being the UL or ETL certifications, and the FCC certification, are rarely bothered with for small battery powered devices that are not involved with wireless in any sense, and usually unnecessary. For all practical purposes, mentioning this CE certification is for advertising hype and nothing else.

"ISO compliance."

This means that the factory where the product was manufactured met certain ISO requirements. This certification is not awarded to Chummie, and has little relevance for the typical user.

So Chummie has one complete page of hype to try and create a great impression on the "naïve" reader who may not understand the significance or value of the words used on this page. 


Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .

Deception by Perversion.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Chummie: Deceit by Perversion.

Chummie   (June 5,2013)

"What makes us the #1 Bedwetting Enuresis Solution?

It’s been quite a ride. For years, we’ve been consistently praised for our bedwetting alarm, incontinence product and world-class support. Each acknowledgment is a testament to our focus on delivering the best customer experience possible. Here’s a sample of what industry experts have to say:

Best customer service
A leader in bedwetting treatment
Chummie is simply put – brilliant
Innovative and game changing
Best overall company manufacturing enuresis solutions"

"For years, we've been consistently praised for our bedwetting alarm." Two years is more than one, and probably does qualify as "years." That is about as long as Chummie has been selling its product in the U.S. Why attempt to create the erroneous impression that you have been in this business for a "long time" (our quotes). 
"Consistently praised" by which authoritative and impartial experts not influenced by you. Continuous and consistent self-praise is indicative of vanity and marketing hype, not the authoritative praise that you are attempting to convey.

"Industry experts." Who are these independent and authoritative industry experts? And p-l-e-a-s-e. Let's not include anyone directly or indirectly influenced by you (including influence or compensation in cash, kind, or friendship).

Best customer service? On what basis and with what evidence?

A leader? On what basis and with what evidence?

Chummie is simply put Brilliant? Brilliant as determined by whom? What gives them this “authority?” Perhaps Chummie should explain its concept of "Brilliant."

Innovative and game changing. This is extreme hype. Please see below.

Best overall company manufacturing enuresis solutions? On what basis and with what evidence?

These are self-serving and self-promoting inventions by people primarily interested in marketing hype as opposed to actual facts.

To truly compare Chummie with all relevant competitors in today’s marketplace, look at . This is the most comprehensive set of data and facts about bedwetting alarms that we have seen. Chummie does not fare well. This explains why Chummie resorts to deceit and propaganda to promote itself!


Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .

Deception by Perversion.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chummie: Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.

Chummie   (June 4, 2013):

We don’t like to brag, but the facts speak for themselves

Compare Alarms          Chummie           Malem            PottyMD          Anzacare
                                      Premium            1-tone             Wet-stop          Dri-excel

Technology                       2012                 1980                 1990            Early 2000

Claiming that you have a "better" technology than items that are 10 to 30 years older?!
Only using comparisons on issues that are beneficial to Chummie?
Avoiding providing true physical and performance details (hard data) about Chummie? 

We would urge the reader to go to a detailed comparative site such as  and compare this alarm’s properties and price with those of other wired bedwetting alarms. 

Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .

Deception by Perversion and Deception by Concealment.