Friday, June 7, 2013

Chummie: Deceit by Perversion.

Chummie        (June 7,2013)

Chummie has such an overabundance of deception by perversion (hype, exaggerations, and misapplication of facts) and deception by concealment (not providing relevant facts) that they may provide many entries for this blog.

"FDA Registered Chummie Bedwetting Alarm is the Safest Bedwetting Alarm in the World."

The FDA never says anything like this. This is stated to possibly mislead readers and would be a perversion of facts by Chummie.

"Chummie is an incontinence alarm which can help you sleep dry at night … every night!"

As an enuresis alarm, we hope that the above statement will be true. The FDA in no way certifies or agrees with such a claim.

"Chummie FDA Details:
            Device Classification – Conditioned response enuresis alarms
            FDA Section Number - 876.2040
            PART 876 – Gastroenterology-urology device
            Medical device classification – Class II "

These are standard FDA classifications for an FDA registered enuresis alarm. It is not unique or special for Chummie, and applies to every bedwetting alarm whose facility is registered with the FDA. Theos Medical Systems, the owner of Chummie, fills out a simple FDA form every year, lists Chummie on it, and pays a registration fee to the FDA. That’s it. The FDA in no way tests or certifies or even looks at Chummie for it to be registered with the FDA. This is a Facility registration, and all enuresis alarms sold in the U.S. from U.S. sales locations must have their facilities registered with the FDA. Again, lots of hype.

"CE certified safety."

CE is a test for the European Union, and is rarely used unless electric voltages are high enough to cause possible injury (say 120V or 240V AC). It also includes the EU equivalent of the U.S. FCC radio frequency test. Such a certification, the U.S. equivalents being the UL or ETL certifications, and the FCC certification, are rarely bothered with for small battery powered devices that are not involved with wireless in any sense, and usually unnecessary. For all practical purposes, mentioning this CE certification is for advertising hype and nothing else.

"ISO compliance."

This means that the factory where the product was manufactured met certain ISO requirements. This certification is not awarded to Chummie, and has little relevance for the typical user.

So Chummie has one complete page of hype to try and create a great impression on the "naïve" reader who may not understand the significance or value of the words used on this page. 


Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .

Deception by Perversion.

1 comment:

  1. You have hit the jackpot on deceit in the bedwetting alarm industry. For over a year I have noticed Chummie's aggressive marketing when their product is of dubious value. I have had the unfortunate displeasure of unsuccessfully using it. I have also seen some comments on Amazon perhaps 6 months ago requesting Chummie to be honest about their marketing. I doubt that these coments had any significant effect.

    Now you are shining the spotlight on Chummie's deceit. As you suggest, there can be much more that can be exposed about Chummie.

    Keep up the good work that you are doing here. There does not seem to be any organized group in this industry to police what manufacturers claim. You are definitively doing all readers a big favor by providing good feedback and food for thought.
