Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chummie: Very Strong Deceit on Internet Review Sites and Blogs.

Chummie continues to behave disgracefully. This will provide opportunities for many more blog entries relating to Chummie’s deceit and other malicious practices, all of which have been recorded. 

First, it is appropriate to reveal that the Product A mentioned and analyzed in

and also below in corresponding blogs, is the Chummie bedwetting alarm product. 

Starting with the reviews of Chummie on Amazon, it is our opinion that 34% of the total reviews for Chummie may have been biased by Chummie. In other words, they may be fake reviews placed there by Chummie and/or its associates. Of these, about 94% were very positive reviews, which would be perfectly understandable if they were biased by Chummy. We also noticed that many negative opinions that we saw in 2012 and later had been removed. This would also certainly look good for Chummie, and we cannot imagine it happening without Chummie’s instigation. 

Relating to product blogs, we did a fresh Google search for Chummie blogs, and looked at the results to identify what we would regard as advertisements for Chummie on various sites that were displayed. We found 14 of the 30 total sites on the three pages to be blatant advertisements for Chummie. Almost all appeared to be sites run by individuals or small groups, who were trying to make a buck. We did include in the total any sites “owned” by Chummie, and also any sites that were critical of Chummie on these pages which were not included in the "blogs for Chummie." So to have almost 50% approval from small blogs/sites is a great display of buying positive endorsements.

These confirm our opinion that Chummie is the leader in false advertising, and has no credibility. It also reinforces our opinion that these "reviews" and product "opinions" should be ignored.

Expect more about Chummie's abuse of the internet and continuing deceit. 


Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.

Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at
http://chummiedeceitcatcher.blogspot.com/ .
Very Strong Deceit. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    What you have said in your later blog Chummie: Grand Deceit -- Fizzle and Frazzle is so correct. I quote from it
    "They have been very vociferous in their proclamations, many of them based on Chummie's deceit. They have screamed at anyone who called their bluff, or pointed out their flaws, or suggested any changes in their aggressive and deceitful practices and behavior. Chummie's response was often to invent even more deceit with which to threaten persons or parties that they felt threatened by. All with the intent to continue on their road of deceit."

    They are obviously after DryBuddy, which must be scaring Chummie silly with their product(s). From what I have read in your entry "Chummie: Grand Deceit -- Part 2," Chummie will be facing a major competitive problem shortly.

    With Chummie's established track record of deceit and manipulating reviews on sites like Amazon, I would bet that Chummie will be flooding Amazon with fake negative reviews on any product that DryBuddy places there. Other competitors might as well.

    I am an Amazon seller in a completely different area. I have also had to endure fake negative reviews from competitors. I would suggest that DryBuddy considers doing what I do.

    The review must come from a buyer who is both "Amazon Verified Purchase" and also "Real Name." Using just "Amazon Verified Purchase" lets people buy an inexpensive item and provide a fake review. And for a bad-mouthing competitor like Chummie, it may be worth spending $30 to be able to lie about your product. So by itself it is not reliable. But when you add "Real Name" to it, now will have only proper reviews from people who are willing to back up their review truthfully with their name.

    For people who may have purchased the item directly from you, explain that they will have to use the "Real Name" on Amazon which matches their credit card "Real Name" when they ordered from you. Else it is probably a fake review.

    Using both "Amazon Verified Purchase" and also "Real Name" has worked for me. Several genuine customers have informed me that my explaining this and branding an inappropriate review as a possible fake for these reasons has been very acceptable to them. And for people who want to lie, brand them and forget them. They may bring your Amazon rank down, but there isn't much you can do about fakes and liars, unless you also want to be like Chummie and massively flood Amazon with fake positive reviews.

    I hope that this helps you and every other seller and buyer on Amazon and similar sites to try and keep reviews honest. I shall post it on some of your other blogs as well, and you may post this comment as a blog entry anywhere on your deceit related sites.

    I appreciate the big effort that you have put into revealing deceit in the bedwetting alarm industry. We need this in other areas as well.

    Good luck, and God Bless you.
