We saw a very interesting news item on https://sites.google.com/site/fraudonamazonreviews
The news item is called
The news item is called
Fraud & Collusion by Sellers to favorably stuff their Amazon Product Reviews.
Intriguing title, so we looked at it. We have found a “simpatico” who is concerned with fraudulent reviews on Amazon, and looks at what Theos Medical Systems is doing with their Chummie products’ reviews on Amazon. Apparently Theos has developed a reputation for bad ethics.
There is an extensive table of names used by reviewers on the Chummie product reviews. These have been extensively identified as “names” that write 5-stars reviews for many products on Amazon. In the case of these people writing reviews for Chummie,
None are Amazon Verified Purchasers, which
suggests that their review experience of the product could be zero.
Many products are covered, and many of these
bogus reviewers overlap on the same products.
As pointed out “The
probability of so many people in Amazon’s huge buying population buying similar
products with substantial overlap is essentially zero. This has to be the
result of complicit action by the review writers.
In https://sites.google.com/site/fraudonamazonreviews it is also pointed out that payment for these dishonorable services can be:
Payment in Cash: Paid cash by the sellers to post fraudulent and
false 5-stars reviews to inflate the Amazon reviews position of the sellers, or
2) Payment in Kind: Participating in a scheme to provide each other with 5-star reviews for their mutual benefit.
Consequently, payment may be in Cash or Kind. We believe that most payments for reviews are in cash.
2) Payment in Kind: Participating in a scheme to provide each other with 5-star reviews for their mutual benefit.
Consequently, payment may be in Cash or Kind. We believe that most payments for reviews are in cash.
Reading other internet articles
about fraud on Amazon reviews, it is well established that there are many
persons who will write 5-stars reviews for a small fee. Theos definitely has availed
himself of their services.
Looking at the table presented, here are some simple
conclusions relating to the fraudulent paid reviews:
1. For the Chummie Premium bedwetting alarm,
starting from 7/21/14 through 8/13/14, there are fourteen (14) fraudulent 5-stars
reviews by such paid reviewers. One fake reviewer “Clay” even reviewed both the
Chummie Premium and Elite alarms on the same day (8/13/14). Unbelievable, and
only from Chummie!
2. For the Chummie Elite bedwetting alarm, starting
on 7/17/14 through today (8/13/14), there are fourteen (14) fraudulent 5-stars reviews by
such paid reviewers. This is a very large percentage of the total 36 reviews
being shown for this alarm today (8/13/14). Chummie is really pushing to make
this alarm “popular” even though he is obviously using dirty methods and is in
serious violation of Amazon policies.
For the Chummie Comfy Armband three (3) out of
six total reviews come from these fraudulent paid 5-stars reviewers in one week
from 7/22/14 though 7/28/14.
For the Chummie Luxury Overlay five (5) of eight
total reviews come from these fraudulent paid 5-stars reviewers in one week
from 7/23/14 though 8/5/14.
For the Chummie Pro Bed-Side bedwetting alarm,
five (5) fraudulent paid 5-stars reviewers in 7/22/14 though 8/11/14.
For the Chummie Potty Training ladder, four (4) fraudulent
paid 5-stars reviewers in 7/21/14 though 7/26/14.
These above numbers do not include numerous non-Amazon Verified Purchasers who ONLY have a review for that specific item. Obviously, these could also be fakes.
It is very obvious that Chummie is making a very determined
effort to raise his ratings for all of his Chummie products. Unfortunately his
method is to try and “fool” Amazon’s customers into a false sense of how great
his products are. For a fee, and the right illicit connections, anyone could do
it. And if Amazon is willing to remain blissfully ignorant of what should be
very obvious to them, then Chummie can continue to make suckers of all of the
people that they can trick.
We have had a very negative opinion of Theos Medical Systems and
its Chummie products since we started this blog over one year ago. Our opinion
only gets worse.
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