Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Theos Medical Systems and Chummie continue their Deceit - Their Missing Retailers.

Theos has been making outlandish claims about other "retailers" who are selling their Chummie products. Although we have pointed one out in our August 5, 2013 entry:

Chummie: Deceit by Perversion -- Best Buy  (click to go there)

more than one year later Theos still claims that Best Buy sells their product!
So we thought that we should see if Theos's claims are valid.

We contacted Bartell Drugs at their headquarters and spoke to a representative who knows about such matters. Three simple questions:
Does Bartell stock Chummie products in their stores? No.
Has Bartell sold any Chummie products? No.
Has Bartell purchased any Chummie products? No.
When we searched for Chummie on the Bartell Drugs web site, no Chummie products could be found. So much for Bartell Drugs!

We went to, as we had more than one year ago, and searched for Chummie.
The result of the search was: We did not find any matches for " Chummie "
O.K. So much for Best Buy! Again!

 We clicked on the BUY NOW button and went to . No Chummie. Could not find Chummie. is not showing Chummie. Which means that they don't carry or sell Chummie. So much for!

We clicked on the BUY NOW button and went to Unbeatable Sales. Searched for Chummie. Could not find Chummie. This certainly is an unbeatable sale for Chummie. If you are not there, you can't be beat. So much for Unbeatable Sales!

We went to everyCasa through the BUY NOW button, and guess what? No Chummie to be found on everyCasa. They don't seem to want Chummie in any casa. So much for everyCasa!

ThinkHealthe did carry Chummie. So we decided to talk to them about their "Chummie experience." 

Yes, they bought a little over 100 Chummies as they thought they were getting a really good price (based on our knowledge, Chummie had ONLY a profit margin of about 70% on this deal!). 

How well were they selling? Poorly. 

When you exhaust this stock, will you order more Chummies? No!

So much for ThinkHealthe!

So much for Chummie and their making claims that are fictitious, or not very credible. Typical Theos?!

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